Everybody has a favorite rapper that they really like listen to. But for me I think Drake is one of the best rappers out there when it comes to his music because a lot of it is emotional. I’m not saying all of his songs though but I know some of his songs and a lot of his lyrics he’ll say they come from his heart , speaks the truth and sometimes it’s something that might’ve happened in the past or something. Also I’ve heard him once in a video say it’s also like dream he wants to help those in need . He wants to help change the life’s for some of us youngsters. Especially those in tough situation . Like the song (Gods Plan) https://youtu.be/xpVfcZ0ZcFM
great song one of my favorite hands down . Sounds good in the car . But that’s not important as how drake decide to pay for groceries for all the people in a grocery store some place in Miami. Actually Drake ended up donating about a $1 million . Handing it out breaking it down handing out to families here and they’re . Paying for somebody’s college tuition , all of it came out to about $1 million dollars. Then we can’t forget drake donate $30,000 dollars to a Jamaican learning center . Nun the less he ain’t just a good rapper but the guy also touched the hearts of millions. Another great song by drake has to be (Marvins room) https://youtu.be/JDb3ZZD4bA0 that beat in the back ground is killer . On top of it being a great song I think he has a lot of feelings behind his rap . I’m just wondering who that song was really for . I’ve had ups and downs in the pass and I would have to listen to that song . I can’t say I like every song drake spits out but I do like a grip of his music . Drake I hope you continue to spit out fire .